There are no exams, belts or graduations in Ving Tsun. In conclusion it can be detected individually how the skills and competences are improving and developing during the training.
There are three weaponless basic forms
1. Form: Siu Lim Tao (first idea)
is a group of all Ving-Tsun moves and is the basis for all other following forms.
2. Form: Chum Kiu
are combinations of moves, turns, kicks and steps and serve the purpose to defeat the enemy with simple tools.
3. Form: Biu Gee
You learn this form to escape from apparent hopeless situations. Amongst other things this form includes fighting strategies that allows you to protect yourself against multiple enemies.
Specific training
Chi-Sao - the punch cultivation
Parallel to the second form every student starts with the Chi-Sao training. It is a special sensation training that trains the reflexes, the speed and determination to develop immediate and precise reactions. You find this special training only in Ving Tsun Kung Fu.
Training equipment
Wooden dummy form
Another important parts of the Ving Tsun system are mainly focusing about the subject of how to correct inopportune fighting positions. Furthermore the timing and simultaneity of defense and attack and also the step techniques are improved.
Form of the long pole and the double broadswords
The Ving Tsun training also contains sovereign handling with weapons in the fight.
Ving Tsun includes everything that you need for fighting. The system doesn't require any special acrobatic skills, but pursues the goal of immobilising and putting the enemy out of action in a simple manner and short period of time.